Our Story
Uncover the story of how Mathieu and Valérie founded their premium full-service printing business to address a gap in the market and witness how ImaginaPub has evolved into one of the leading providers in Quebec.
A Passion for the visual

In 2010, we founded ImaginaPub, our full-service printing company based in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. We identified a growing need for diversity in the printing industry, which served as our motivation to establish our business.

In our early days, we developed and printed advertising products for our immediate circle. Quickly, our quality and originality drew the attention of professional clients, including marketing agencies and entrepreneurs, unveiling a growing demand for our exceptional products.

Over the years, we expanded our range of products and services. We introduced customization options to meet the specific needs of our clients, offering comprehensive services from design to installation to ensure the durability of our products. Our palette also broadened, encompassing impactful advertising creations, modern graphic designs, and innovative display solutions.

Our dedicated team played a crucial role in the success of our business. We take pride in our commitment to social responsibility and our active contribution to the community.

Today, we are delighted to be recognized as one of the leading printing providers in Quebec, offering quality products to a diverse clientele across Canada. Our passion and determination continue to guide our business towards new horizons.

We take pride in playing an active role in our community, contributing to the creation of impactful advertising spaces for local businesses. We believe that advertising printing is not just functional but a powerful means of communication, creating visually appealing spaces. We are excited to share our expertise and services to help businesses convey their identity authentically.

mathieu & valerie
Thank you to our 15,000 clients and all our partners for participating in this beautiful project! :)
© 2010 - 2024 - Groupe ImaginaPub