All prices are in Canadian currencies. Taxes and transport extra. F.O.B. our plant. All prices are suggested retail prices and are effective as of February 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Pad printed or silkscreened items
Set up charge: Free
E-proof: Free
Copy change: 40.00$ (G) per color, per side
Color change: 30.00$ (G) per color, per side
Pantone (PMS) color match: Free. Offered on white items only. We will try to get the closest possible to your color.
Preproduction sample: 50.00$ (G) per color, per side for our standard products. For custom-made products, prices will be given upon request.
Quantity less than minimum: 40.00$ (G) per color, per side. Not less than half of the smallest quantity listed in the catalogue. For custom-made products, prices will be given upon request.